Update of T&C

We would like to inform you of an update to the Monyx Wallet application’s Terms & Conditions in Europe.
What does this mean?

Monyx Wallet users in Europe will need to accept the new terms & conditions or update their app in order to continue using Monyx Wallet.

Who will this affect? 

New and existing Monyx Wallet users in Europe.

When will terms & conditions acceptance be required?

  1. For new users in Europe:
  2. Accepting these terms and conditions is part of the onboarding process when the newest version of the app is installed.
  3. For existing users:
    1. If the version of the app that includes this update is not installed, a popup will appear, requiring the user to update the Monyx Wallet app to the newest version.
    2. If the version of the app that includes this change has been installed, a pop-up request for consent to the new terms and conditions will appear. If the user agrees, a confirmation animation will pop up and the user can continue to use the Monyx Wallet app.
  1. In the case that an existing user does not accept the new terms and conditions:
    When a user does not accept the terms and conditions on the initial popup, another popup will appear that says “Are you sure?’ with all the consequences. If they decide not to accept the terms and conditions, then:

    1. Users will be able to use their balance as usual, on all cards (Monyx and other PP cards).
    2. Users will no longer have access to top-ups or be able to add a new credit card.
    3. Users will be able to request a refund for their Monyx card balance through a subsequent popup and for their operator PP card balance from the operator.