Delete User Account

We would like to inform you of a new feature in the Monyx Wallet  application designed to protect consumer privacy. Users are now able to request to permanently delete their Monyx Wallet account.

What does this mean?

Monyx Wallet users can now request to permanently delete their account and all personal data associated with it (personal data deletion applies to users in Europe only). Once the account is deleted, it cannot be reactivated.

How can a user delete his/her account?

  1. The user goes to the “My Account” page and clicks on the “Delete Account” button.
  2. If the user has an operator PP card with a remining balance, a popup will appear explaining that this balance must be used or that a refund must be requested from the operator before the account can be deleted. This is relevant for active cards only.
  3. The user will be taken to a “Delete Account” page in which two mandatory fields need to be filled out:

      1. Email – will be taken from the account. If null, it will need to be added by the user.
      2. Explanation panel – user will need to fill in their reason for deletion.
  4. Once the form has been filled out, a popup will appear informing the user that their request has been accepted.
  5. Once the request is received:
    1. A ticket will be opened in SF with a “Delete account”
    2. The account will be suspended and categorized as “Blocked due to delete account request”. This can be seen in the DCS in the Monyx Consumers report, when you hover the red lock.
    3. The user will be logged out.
    4. Personal data will be deleted for European users only.