Clear SMS Attempts

We would like to inform you of a new process regarding the Monyx verification SMS limitation.


What does this mean?

To log in to the Monyx app, users need to enter a 4-digit verification code sent from the Monyx number (supported by Twilio).
We have 3 limitations that protect users from spam:

  • Daily limitation – 3
  • Weekly limitation – 6
  • Monthly limitation – 10

The count resets when a successful login is made.
Who will this affect?
Users that have reached any of the limitations and need an SMS verification code.


How does it work?

If a user complains that (s)he got any of these errors:

And if the user is not suspected of wrongdoing, please allow him or her to receive an additional SMS for verification.

Go to Nayax Core 🡪 Consumers 🡪Monyx Consumer screen:

  • Existing user – enter the user’s phone number (or any other identification). When the search is completed, right-click to open the user menu and choose “Clear SMS attempts”.Success / Failure Popup will be displayed.
  • For New users that have not yet created an account but were blocked – a new actions button with an option to “Reset SMS Attempts” will appear. When you click on it,a popup will open with a field to enter the consumer’s phone number. Click “Save”.Success / Failure Popup will be displayed.


Additional information

The purpose of these limitations is to prevent spam by impairing the ability for SMSs to be sent from the Monyx number. In addition, there is a cost for each SMS message sent. These things should be taken into consideration before performing the reset operation.